Line-up for 2015 announced..
New England Blues Summit
featuring Darrell Nulisch and Matt Stubbs
Also performing: The Peacheaters, 12:01 Blues Band,
Michelle Willson and the “Evil Gal” Orchestra,
Drivin’ Blind and Charlie Keating Band
Here is a description of last year’s festival:
It was a beautiful day for the 2nd Annual Library Park Blues Festival on August 23, hosted by Mike Dever and The Blues for Veterans Association. This festival is located right next to the police station in downtown Woburn, MA, in a nice sized park.
The day started with the “Posting of the Colors,” followed by the Charlie Keating Band.Brian Owens’, The Rampage Trio, played a rocky Blues set to an enthusiastic and growing audience. An old friend, Tom Hazeltine, was stage manager and kept the show moving along. MoeJoVision were also there so you can see the festivities on You-Tube.
It was my last chance to see Lydia Warren here in New England, as she has moved to Virginia to continue her studies. She played the title song from her new CD “Motel Bed,” good songwriting and musicianship. Follow her upcoming tours back to New England on her website. Gracie Curran kicked off her shoes as she came to the stage with the High Falutin’ Band joined by Bruce Bears on keys, playing a high energy set to an increasing crowd.
I sampled some reasonably, priced good food and drinks available at “the Mess Hall” hosted by the Woburn Lions Club. Many sponsors support this festival made evident by the large amount of varied items at the raffle table. I actually won something this year from the raffle table! The variety of vendors had wonderful items from jewelry, clothing, and banking.
Darrell Nulisch, with his sweet vocals and large inventory of material, played and sang an enjoyable set, including one of my all-time favorites, “Black Night is Falling”. A special treat for me was seeing and hearing my old friend Rob Nelson from back in the day (formerly of Loaded Dice, now fronting Robcats) backing up Darrell on guitar. I have always loved his guitar playing… nice chops. Mike Dever thanked everyone who helped him continue his festival, including the audience, and drew the door prize and largest raffle item, a guitar signed by festival performers.
After Rob had packed away his guitar and amp, he joined me at my seat for some of Duke Robillard’s set. Rob told me he had not seen Duke play in a while. We talked for a while, then he left, having a long drive home. I enjoyed the rest of Duke’s mix of instrumentals and songs, including “Walk With You”. This was a wonderful festival; pencil it into your calendar for next year.
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