September 28, 2008 Talk about “making hay while the sun shines,” I have been making the trek (everywhere is “a thousand miles from nowhere” from my house) to clubs all over the place and I had the extra incentive from Matt Stubbs to go to Tupelo Music Hall in Londonderry, NH. I think it is closer to Boston than NH, frankly. It took me
1/12 hours to get there! But I must say, it was worth the trip. What a beautiful club to see live music! It is elegant, cozy and yet can hold 160 people. You B.Y.O. drinks, which is kind of cool, I am glad I knew about that before hand! The sound was outstanding! Sometimes, in clubs, the sound can get so loud (and even painful) if the sound man is as deaf as the musicians. I kid,
but it is true, musicians tend to have hearing loss
and the rest of us better bring ear plugs!
But Tupelo has a beautiful big stage and a nice wooden room with great grith, comfortable wooden chairs and big tables and the combination, although I am no sound specialist, makes for a rich full sound without the distortion
and din of a badly apportioned room. The Blues Audience Party was well received. It was fun to meet a few subscribers as I went around to talk to the folks. Mike Michales showed up and a long time subscriber, Mike Henry was there. My old friend Stan Rogers won a subscription.
I got to meet Blind Billy (Bilnd Billy and The Spectakles) and it was nice to see Robert Day and his posse there. All around a great night of music and friends!
I gave away 12 CDs, two posters, a t-shirt and two subscriptions! Nancy Weston helped me with the raffle and I couldn’t have done it without her! But the stars of the night were Matt and Gordon, what a show! Matt can really play anything from traditional blues to far-out space rock music as witnessed by the last song they did, which was really BIG! Gordon was in great form, swinging and honking and fooling around on that sax like no one else can. He “sang” (mostly talked) a few tunes. He made a case for instrumental music, as being a way to express things that you cannot say. It was a great illustration of the power of music and a case for the power of the saxaphone! You have to see him do this. His sound is so gritty and he can play anything he wants, he even spoke to a couple of people (on the sax) during his performance! Drummer, Chris Rivelli and bass player Johnny B were just as outstanding in their supporting rolls. Chris stood out with his funky drumming and they featured him on a couple of tunes that really SWANG! I gave Gordon his 2008 Blues Audience Readers Poll Award for Outstanding Horn player, he was pleasantly surprised. You have plenty more opportunities to see this show at a number
of venues in the coming month. Go to Matt’s web site
to find one close to your area and GO GO GO!
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